
musicmove is a bulk renamer for music files.

It reads the tags from your music files, and automatically renames those files according to rules that you specify.


musicmove is a command-line bulk renamer for music files. It is invoked with a set of files to process and a path format string; the application will then construct a new path for each file, based on the format string, and rename and/or move each file accordingly.

An example always helps:

$ musicmove --format="~/Music/%z/%b/%d%n - %a - %t" ~/Downloads/NewMusic
Moving ~/Downloads/NewMusic/123456-fantastic_song.mp3
    to ~/Music/Some Band/First Album/01 - Some Band feat. Vocalist - Fantastic Song.mp3

musicmove has adopted the %* convention for specifying placeholder tokens in its path format string. By design, these tokens are the same as those used by EasyTag.

musicmove is free software, meaning that anyone can use, share, and modify it. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3.


musicmove is currently in an inception phase and is currently available only in its original source code format. Pre-built versions may follow if the software becomes popular!


The man page can be read online.

Efforts to document more thoroughly are a work in progress and will likely depend on the software's popularity.


If you want to help the project in any way, contact the author, Adam Szmigin, at

musicmove is a modern C++ application, and makes use of the TagLib library. It is written with UNIX-like systems in mind, but could be ported to other operating systems if desired.

musicmove's source code is hosted on GitHub: